Albania (232)Gibraltar (676)Netherlands (78)
Alderney (195)Great Britain (1415)Norge (141)
AndorraF (99)Greece (105)OSN New York (87)
AndorraS (25)Greenland (102)Poland (131)
Austria (109)Guernsey (476)Portugal (303)
Azores (46)Hungary (755)Romania (366)
Aĺand (93)Iceland (240)Russia (73)
Belgium (116)Ireland (412)San Marino (180)
Belorussia (60)Isle of Man (634)Serbia and Montenegro (15)
Bosna (19)Italy (96)Slovakia (55)
Bulgaria (223)Jersey (789)Slovenia (24)
Croatia (27)Jugoslavia (167)Spain (208)
Cyprus (141)Latvia (15)Sweden (397)
Czech Republic (331)Liechtenstein (252)Switzerland (163)
Czechoslovakia (779)Lithuania (6)Turkey (109)
DDR (69)Luxemburg (79)Turkish Cyprus (43)
Denmark (60)Macedonia (10)Ukraine (30)
Estonia (8)Madeira (45)UNO Geneva (99)
Finland (147)Malta (261)UNO Vienna (100)
France (581)Moldau (37)USSR (220)
Froyar (112)Monaco (497)Vatican (63)
Germany (142)Montenegro (3)

Telecommunication - 1994
191 KB

Price: 8,00 EUR
191 KB

Froyar - 1989

Price: 5,00 EUR

Czech Republic - 1998
190/1+201/2+4KB (Y.1998)

Price: 24,00 EUR
190/1+201/2+4KB (Y.1998)

Gauguin Paul - 1998

Price: 14,00 EUR

United Nations - 1995
190/201 MH1

Price: 6,00 EUR
190/201 MH1

Alderney - 2002
Bl.12+14/6 I/IV Complet

Price: 40,00 EUR
Bl.12+14/6 I/IV Complet

Greenland - 1989
189/ MH1

Price: 20,00 EUR
189/ MH1

Mix - 1989
189/98 Year1989Complet

Price: 12,00 EUR
189/98 Year1989Complet

History - 1981
189/92 (2)GP

Price: 8,00 EUR
189/92 (2)GP